My mother unexpectedly passed away this morning after a life of struggling with her mental illness. Above a piece of art from her.
Bits of Marco Devillers
Lecture Times
- Monday 11.00 Boyd Orr LT B (until 30th October), then F121,
17 Lilybank Gardens- Wednesday 9.00 2 University Gardens (209)
- Friday 10.00 Maths 214
Feature | TinyNode | Sunspot |
Power Consumption | very low, 20mA, 6microA | 100 mA, 32 microA |
Language | NesC | Java (not realtime) |
Radio | yes | yes |
Leds | red (red, yellow, green) | 8 tri-color LEDs |
Power | adapter or two AAs | 3.7V rechargeable, 750 mAh, USB |
Light Sensor | yes | yes |
Accelero Meter | no | 3-axis |
Temperature Sensor | yes | yes |
Simulator | Mature | Under Development |
Pricing | Euro 600,- | to be announced |
Comic 202 of xkcd.
Stuff I've seen my students looking at the last weeks in class: YouTube, games, poker, MSN, community sites, blogs, and Pr0n.
Just a silly application I wrote. A very naive approach to counting in a small sensor network. Programmed in NesC under TinyOS 1.0 and tested under tinyviz.
Since my students might read my blog, and this is an assignment for them, no source code but a simple description.
The network builds a small spanning tree in which a node continuously broadcasts the total of the branch of which it is the root.
All nodes run the same application, node 0 starts as the root of the tree. All nodes remain silent until they receive a broadcast message, node 0 initiates the algorithm.
A node alternatingly broadcasts an AskTotal()
to everybody or an AnswerTotal(id,total)
message to it's parent. The parent of a node is the first node from which it received an AskTotal()
Nodes store (id,total)
pairs in a set. The total
send by a node is the sum of the totals in this set plus one. (I guess I should restrict the protocol to just one message.)
The result is a pretty robust algorithm for static networks of a fixed maximal size and fixed maximal degree on the nodes. The algorithm gives the correct total in twice the depth of the tree time. For the shown network of 30 nodes, it calculates a correct answer in about 20 seconds.
Of course, you should never do it this way...
#This is a implementations of an interpreter
#for a small subset of scheme.
#What it has:
# Look at the function 'eval'
# look at the dictionary 'predefineds'
#1)Fibonacci numbers
#python scheme.py
#>>>(define fibonacci
#... (lambda (n)
#... (define fib
#... (lambda (n1 n2 cnt)
#... (if (= cnt n)
#... n1
#... (fib n2 (+ n1 n2) (+ cnt 1)))))
#... (fib 0 1 0)))
#>>>(display (fibonacci 10))
#python scheme.py
#>>>(define list (lambda l l))
#>>>(define message
#... (lambda (cont msg)
#... (call/cc
#... (lambda (newCont)
#... (cont (cons newCont msg))))))
#>>>(define f
#... (lambda (fname cont msg)
#... (display (cons fname msg))
#... (define msgList (message cont (+ 1 msg)))
#... (f fname (car msgList) (cdr msgList))))
#>>>(define msg
#... (call/cc (lambda (cont)
#... (f "f1:" cont 1))))
#>>>(f "f2" (car msg) (cdr msg))
#24-Feb-2005 Added quote and the quote symbol '
#25-Feb-2005 Fixed a bug with begin
#25-Feb-2005 Added eval
#25-Feb-2005 Added py-eval and py-exec
#Uncomment the following line if you are using python 2.2
#from __future__ import generators
import re
py_context = {}
py_eval_func = eval
class context:
def setVars(self, names, values):
if names == None:
elif isinstance(names, symbol):
self.vars[str(names)] = values
(name, restNames) = names
(value, restValues) = values
self.setVars(restNames, restValues)
def __init__(self, parent, var_names = None, values = None):
self.parent = parent
self.vars = {}
self.setVars(var_names, values)
def get(self, var_name):
if self.vars.has_key(var_name):
return self.vars[var_name]
elif self.parent != None:
return self.parent.get(var_name)
raise KeyError("Unknown variable "+var_name)
def set(self, var_name, value):
if self.vars.has_key(var_name):
self.vars[var_name] = value
elif self.parent != None:
return self.parent.set(var_name, value)
raise Key("Unknown variable " + var_name)
def define(self, var_name, value):
self.vars[var_name] = value
class symbol:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
return "symbol('"+self.value+"')"
def __eq__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, symbol):
return self.value == value.value
return False
# Predefined Symbols (can't be redefined)
LAMBDA = symbol("lambda")
IF = symbol("if")
BEGIN = symbol("begin")
SET = symbol("set!")
DEFINE = symbol("define")
LOAD = symbol("load")
QUOTE = symbol("quote")
#The tokenizer
#Token Types
ATOM = 3
DOT = 5
tokens_re = re.compile(r'\(|\)|(?:[\w+\-*/<>=!?.]+)|'+
def tokenize(code):
"""This is a very simple tokenizer,
it accepts a string that represents
the code an returns a list of
token type, token paris"""
tokens = tokens_re.findall(code)
for token in tokens:
if token == "(":
yield (OPENBRACKET, token)
elif token == ")":
yield (CLOSEBRACKET, token)
elif token == ".":
yield (DOT, token)
elif token == "'":
yield (SINGLE_QUOTE, token)
elif token.isdigit():
yield (ATOM, int(token))
elif token[0]=='"':
yield (ATOM, token[1:-1].replace(r'\\', "\\").replace(r'\"', r'"'))
elif token[0]=="#":
if token[1]=="\\":
char = token[2:]
if char == "space":
char = " "
if char == "newline":
char = "\n"
yield (ATOM, char)
elif token[1]=="t":
yield (ATOM, True)
elif token[1]=="f":
yield (ATOM, False)
raise Exception("Invalid token "+ token)
yield (SYMBOL, symbol(token))
def process_sexpr(tokens):
token_type, value = tokens.next()
if token_type == SINGLE_QUOTE:
return [QUOTE, [process_sexpr(tokens), None]]
elif token_type == OPENBRACKET:
cons = [None, None]
lst = cons
token = None
while True :
token = process_sexpr(tokens)
if token not in [")", "."]:
cons[1] = [token, None]
cons = cons[1]
if token == ".":
cons[1] = process_sexpr(tokens)
token_type, token = tokens.next()
if token == ")":
return lst[1]
raise Exception("expected close bracket for expression "+
return value
def sexpr(text):
return process_sexpr(tokenize(text))
def sexprs(text):
"""Build an s-expression from a string"""
lst = [None, None]
cur = lst
tokens = tokenize(text)
while True:
cur[1] = [process_sexpr(tokens), None]
cur = cur[1]
except StopIteration:
return lst[1]
#Pedefined Functions
#Convert a python function into a form
#suitable for the interpreter
def predefined_function(function):
def func(continuation, args):
argList = []
while args!=None:
arg, args = args
return continuation, function(*argList)
return func
#Some basic predefined functions
def display(obj):
print obj
def callcc(continuation, args):
(func, nil) = args
def cont_func(cont, (arg, nil)):
return (continuation, arg)
return func(continuation, (cont_func, None))
def gen_eval(context):
def eval_func(continuation, arg):
expr, nil = arg
return (eval_continuation(continuation, context, expr), None)
return eval_func
def py_exec(continuation, arg):
code, nil = arg
exec code in py_context
return (continuation, None)
def py_eval(continuation, arg):
code, nil = arg
return (continuation, py_eval_func(code, py_context))
global_context = context(None)
predefineds = {"+":predefined_function(lambda *args:sum(args)),
"*":predefined_function(lambda *args:reduce(int.__mul__, args)),
"-":predefined_function(lambda a, b:a - b),
"<":predefined_function(lambda a, b:a < b),
">":predefined_function(lambda a, b:a > b),
"=":predefined_function(lambda a, b:a == b),
"cons":predefined_function(lambda a, b:[a, b]),
"car":predefined_function(lambda(a, b):a),
"cdr":predefined_function(lambda(a, b):b),
global_context.vars = predefineds
#A continuation for the evaluation of an expression
class eval_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, context, expr):
self.next = continuation
self.context = context
self.expr = expr
def run(self, val):
return eval(self.next, self.context, self.expr)
def eval_str(continuation, context, code):
if isinstance(code, str):
code = sexpr(code)
return eval(continuation, context, code)
#The eval method
def eval(continuation, context, code):
if isinstance(code, list):
if code[0] == LAMBDA:
return eval_lambda(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0] == IF:
return eval_if(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0]== BEGIN:
return eval_begin(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0] == DEFINE:
return eval_define(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0] == SET:
return eval_set(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0] == QUOTE:
return eval_quote(continuation, context, code)
elif code[0] == LOAD:
return eval_load(continuation, context, code)
return eval_apply(continuation, context, code)
elif isinstance(code, symbol):
return (continuation, context.get(str(code)))
return (continuation, code)
#Helper to evaluate a list of expressions
class expr_list_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, context, exprs):
expr, rest = exprs
self.expr = expr
if rest == None:
self.continuation = continuation
self.continuation = expr_list_continuation(continuation,
context, rest)
self.context = context
def run(self, value):
return eval(self.continuation, self.context, self.expr)
def eval_expr_list(continuation, context, exprs):
return (expr_list_continuation(continuation, context, exprs), None)
def eval_quote(continuation, context, code):
(quote, (item, nil)) = code
return (continuation, item)
def eval_load(continuation, context, code):
(load, (filepath, nil)) = code
fi = file(filepath)
exprs = sexprs(fi.read())
return eval_expr_list(continuation, context, exprs)
def eval_begin(continuation, context, code):
begin, exprs = code
return eval_expr_list(continuation, context, exprs)
def eval_lambda(continuation, parent_context, code):
(lmbda, (params, exprs)) = code
def func(continuation, args):
new_context = context(parent_context, params, args)
return eval_expr_list(continuation, new_context, exprs)
return (continuation, func)
class define_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, context, var_name):
self.continuation = continuation
self.context = context
self.var_name = var_name
def run(self, value):
self.context.define(self.var_name, value)
return self.continuation, None
def eval_define(continuation, context, code):
(define, (var_name, (expr, nil))) = code
continuation = define_continuation(continuation,
context, str(var_name))
return eval(continuation, context, expr)
class set_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, context, var_name):
self.continuation = continuation
self.context = context
self.var_name = var_name
def run(self, value):
self.context.set(self.var_name, value)
return self.continuation, None
def eval_set(continuation, context, code):
(set, (var_name, (expr, nil))) = code
continuation = set_continuation(continuation, context,
return eval(continuation, context, expr)
class if_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, context, ifTrue, ifFalse):
self.continuation = continuation
self.context = context
self.ifTrue = ifTrue
self.ifFalse = ifFalse
def run(self, value):
if value:
return eval(self.continuation,
self.context, self.ifTrue)
return eval(self.continuation,
self.context, self.ifFalse)
def eval_if(continuation, context, code):
(If, (predicate, (ifTrue, rest))) = code
if rest==None:
ifFalse = None
ifFalse = rest[0]
return eval(if_continuation(continuation, context, ifTrue, ifFalse),
context, predicate)
class apply_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation):
self.continuation = continuation
def run(self, func):
return func(self.continuation, self.params)
class param_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, prev):
self.continuation = continuation
self.prev = prev
self.params = None
def run(self, value):
self.prev.params = (value, self.params)
return (self.continuation, None)
class list_param_continuation:
def __init__(self, continuation, prev):
self.continuation = continuation
self.prev = prev
def run(self, value):
self.prev.params = value
return (self.continuation, None)
def construct_param_continuations(continuation,
prev, context, code):
if isinstance(code, list):
expr, rest = code
paramContinuation = param_continuation(continuation, prev)
continuation = eval_continuation(paramContinuation, context, expr)
if rest == None:
return continuation
return construct_param_continuations(continuation, paramContinuation,
context, rest)
continuation = list_param_continuation(continuation, prev)
return eval_continuation(continuation, context, code)
def eval_apply(continuation, context, code):
(operator, exprs) = code
apply_cont = apply_continuation(continuation)
continuation = eval_continuation(apply_cont, context, operator)
continuation = construct_param_continuations(continuation, apply_cont,
context, exprs)
return (continuation, None)
#The read eval loop
class read_eval_continuation:
def __init__(self, context, reader):
self.context = context
self.reader = reader
self.code = None
self.continuation = None
def run(self, value):
if self.code == None:
self.code = self.reader.next()
self.continuation = read_eval_continuation(self.context,
except StopIteration:
return None, value
return eval_str(self.continuation, self.context, self.code)
def expression_reader(fi):
code = ""
brackets = 0
while True:
if code == "":
prompt = ">>>"
prompt = "..."
ln = raw_input(prompt)
code+=ln+" "
brackets+=ln.count("(") - ln.count(")")
if brackets == 0 and len(ln.strip())!=0:
yield code
code = ""
def read_eval_loop(fi):
reader = expression_reader(fi)
continuation = read_eval_continuation(global_context, reader)
value = "Simple scheme!!!"
(continuation, value) = continuation.run(value)
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
According to a market study performed by ON World Inc. on Wireless Sensor Networks called “Wireless Sensor Networks – Growing Markets, Accelerating Demands” from July 2005, 127 million wireless sensor network nodes are expected to be deployed in 2010 and the growth of this market later on is expected to increase in certain application domains.
Wireless Sensor Networks are a canonical example of a wider field dealing with Cooperating Objects that attempts to create the necessary technologies to make Weiser’s vision of the disappearing computer a reality. Cooperating Objects are, in the most general case, small computing devices equipped with wireless communication capabilities that are able to cooperate and organise themselves autonomously into networks to achieve a common task.